the LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. -psalm 126:3

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e hope you enjoy your visit!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

why Emma was quiet

She was so quiet for a few minutes. I thought that maybe she was in her room, and was keeping an ear out for anything that sounded suspicious. But it was quiet. Too quiet. So I went looking ....

... and found her in our room, surrounded by books pulled from the shelf.

John has been "reading" (she will only pay attention for a line or two and then moves on) to her a bit at night, all from books on this shelf. Apparently she remembered and wanted another story

1 comment:

Jane said...

Well, there's a burst of nostalgia! She is enjoying all the books Dad and I used to read to YOU, Lizzie!
Seems like just yesterday that YOU were eating corners of books! (sniff!) How we miss you all.......