the LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. -psalm 126:3

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e hope you enjoy your visit!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Emma is learning new things every day. Even since Christmas we have seen her try to keep us with us more, help Mommy get clothes out of the washer, "walk" along the walls, stand alone and even wobble her way to a step (but that may have been an accident).

One of the things she has learned in the last two or three days is that her tongue doesn't have to stay in her mouth: it can stick out of it too. And other people have tongues that can stick out, and it's funny to try to "get" people's tongues. It's a good thing that she likes getting her hands washed!

1 comment:

Jane said...

she sure loves her mommy! Emma will be such a good big sister.