Our garden is growing, healthy and hearty, and giving forth fruit - the tomato plant has four baby tomatoes on it! Occasionally the man with the balcony below ours gets dripped on though. I should probably put something under the pots so that they don't drip ... Oh, and something has taken a liking to the basil plant - I keep finding holes in the dirt near the roots. Last time it happened, one of the shoots withered. I am beginning to get a bit upset at whatever sort of vermin is doing this ....
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Our garden is growing, healthy and hearty, and giving forth fruit - the tomato plant has four baby tomatoes on it! Occasionally the man with the balcony below ours gets dripped on though. I should probably put something under the pots so that they don't drip ... Oh, and something has taken a liking to the basil plant - I keep finding holes in the dirt near the roots. Last time it happened, one of the shoots withered. I am beginning to get a bit upset at whatever sort of vermin is doing this ....
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Marriage is defined by a positive virtue. It presumes the gift of self. Kathleen and Thomas Hart write, "One can do many external deeds of love and still hold back the really precious gift, the inner self. This gift can only be given through communication."
Talking and touching are two of the most important ways we can ourselves to each other. The refusal to give the gift of self can sometimes be malicious. At other times, this "witholding" may not be done consciously. We just wake up one day and realize that we have made no effort to keep moving toward our spouse physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Most of us, in fact, probably never approached the relationship of marriage with the thought that "apathy" is the antithesis of Christian love. As long as we're not mean, vindictive, or cruel, we may think we're fulfilling our Christian duty.
But we're not.
The truth is, I owe my [spouse] this "gift of self."
-Sacred Marriage, chp 153, by Gary Thomas
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Well I remember the first time I felt the power of your kiss
With every little kiss I'm reminded
How wonderful it is to be in love with you
With every little look
With every little touch
With every little kiss